
发表:2012-03-07 13:00
手机版 正体 打赏 0个留言 打印 特大

Fisheye: Zeiss CY 16f2.8 F (no competition)
15-18mm: Canon EF 17f4 L TS-E (beats any other super wide angle lens reg. corner sharpness and freeness of distortion)
19-21mm: Zeiss CY 21f2.8 (better corner sharpness and less CA than Leica R 19f2.8 and Zeiss ZE 21f2.8)
24-25mm: Canon EF 24f3.5 L TS-E (beats any other 24mm lens)
28mm: Leica R 28f2 (latest model, definitely sharpest 28)
35mm: Zeiss ZE 35f2 (sharper and nicer color than Canon EF 35f1.4)
50mm: Zeiss N 50f1.4 (for me the perfect 50)
60mm: Leica R 60f2.8 Macro (rather old lens, no Apo, but very nicely sharp)
85mm: Zeiss CY 85f1.2 and Zeiss N 85f1.4 (did not test Canon EF 85f1.2 L)
90mm: Olympus OM 90f2 Macro and Leica R 90f2 Apo (the Oly is damn good from close until infinity)
100mm: Zeiss CY 100f2, Zeiss ZE 100f2 Macro, Leica R 100f2.8 Apo-Macro and Canon EF 100f2.8 L Macro (all excellent 100 mm lenses, very close race, my Leica was not able to beat the Canon!)
180mm: Leica R 180f2.8 Apo (incredible sharp lens at f2.8)


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